This is a free service from us to every author in Africa regardless of which company published it.
Africa is producing intellectuals from every corner of the continent who are in turn writing and publishing books that are more relevant to our contemporary circumstances.
However, there is a gap; authors without large advert budgets or following cannot be discovered by regular book readers.
Also coaches, thought leaders and influencers are not aware of the existence of relevant books, right here on the African soil; so they recommend the available ahead of the relevant.
Read of Africa is a platform created by Nigeria’s innovative book printing company, Print Doctor Africa as our support to the writing and publishing industry to bridge the gap between the author and the reader.
It is open to all authors and publishers of African descent and readers from all over the world
Our desire is that books of African origin will find their way into the hands of readers all over the world because the books are readily and equally available for free!
Displaying your book on this platform is free and a simple 3-step process:
1. Create a free author profile
2. Create unlimited number of book profiles as an author
3. Enter purchase links and sales contact
We launched and started to promote at the Nigeria International Book Fair.
This will be what we call “the Google of African books”.
This will have a huge database of books from all over the continent so much so that, even without necessarily knowing the authors, their works can be discovered by readers just by searching using the relevant keywords or search criteria.
For us, we believe this is our contribution to the continuous growth of our industry.
If you are a published author (print or digital), please enlist your book today using those three steps. It takes only a few minutes!
Please visit and enter all your books today! Not tomorrow.
This is a great chance to get your books to audiences all over Africa!
Kingly share this news to every author and publisher you know!
Please Follow ReadofAfrica on Instagram
Visit to register your book details.
Read of Africa… where readers meet African Authors
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