How to Know What’s Right for You!

Anyone who has read a book in the past decade likely knows about the e-book revolution. It’s no longer necessary to go to a bookstore or library to check out books. Instead, anyone with an internet connection and a reading device can download e-books from websites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Books, and so many more. Whether you’re an author looking to self-publish your book or someone considering writing one as your next career move, it’s important that you understand all the pros and cons of printing vs e-publishing your book. In this blog post, we explore some of the key differences between printing your book vs e-publishing it and help you decide which is right for your specific circumstances.

Printing Your Book: What You Need to Know

Before diving into the nitty-gritty details of e-publishing vs printing, it’s important that we have a solid foundation of what printing your book will actually look like. When you print your book, you’ll have a physical product in your hands. The printing process can vary depending on the book size and materials needed, but the overall process is: – You write your book – You hire an editor or proofreader – You hire a cover designer – You get a printing or publishing company – You sell by yourself using digital technology or social media or have them in bookshops like Roving Heights – You wait for readers to buy your books!

E-Publishing Your Book: What You Need to Know

When you e-publish your book, you’re making it available in digital format. Rather than printing out copies of your book, you’re uploading it to an e-book platform where readers can download it. When e-publishing your book, the process is a bit different:

  • You write your book
  • You hire an editor or proofreader
  • You hire a cover designer
  • You hire a publishing company or execute it yourself
  • You wait for readers to download your book!

What’s the Same?

In many ways, the process of printing and e-publishing is very similar. Both require you to hire professionals to complete each step of the publishing process. Each option can also be costly and require an upfront investment. Printing books is still a very traditional process, but e-books are a good option for people who are more tech-savvy and want to avoid the hassle of printing out physical copies. When comparing printing vs e-publishing your book, there are also some key similarities, including: – You need to hire professionals for design, editing, and distribution – The process is time-consuming – Your book will be available in digital format – Your books can be available on major e-book platforms and stores like Amazon, Selar or Okadabooks.

Key Differences Between Printing and E-publishing Your Book

When comparing printing vs e-publishing your book, the most obvious difference is that the finished product looks and feels very different. While print books are often held in higher regard, they can be slightly more expensive to produce. With Print Doctor Africa’s Print on Demand (or Print Small Small), you can print as few as 50 copies and not need huge storage  investment for your books. If you want to sell your books at regular bookstores, we produce books to meet their standards and can also help you arrange placement in Roving Heights Bookshop. They have nationwide coverage and this can take a lot of the burden off you.

Should you print or e-publish your book?

The question of whether to print or e-publish your book is a highly personal one that depends on a variety of factors, including the size of your budget, how tech-savvy you are, and how you want to distribute your book. Printing your book is an excellent option for people who want a physical product that can be displayed on bookshelves and given as gifts, but you may want to e-publish if you want your book to be as widely accessible as possible. If you’re not sure which publishing option is right for you, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to help determine your publishing method.


When it comes to publishing your book, it’s important to understand the different options available to you. While many people still prefer to read print books, e-books are growing in popularity and are an excellent option for self-published authors. When comparing printing vs e-publishing your book, make sure you’re aware of all the costs, benefits, and responsibilities that come with each option. By understanding the differences and similarities between printing and e-publishing, you can make an informed decision about which publishing method is best for you and your book. Most importantly having your books in print and on digital platforms for maximum reach and impact.