So do you remember I told you about 4 reasons you need to have your books on hard copy? If you’ve not seen that please check HERE
Today I’m telling you why you should not print your book. Yes. I mean it. I will give you good reasons why you should not even get it published at all.
1. No need to excel: See once you can identify that there’s no need to excel at what you do, the hack is so simple, don’t produce your book. You may stop at just posting on the internet or just announcing you’re a writer. Sounds awful right?
2. No desire for national and global relevance: If you’re most pleased with influencing only your pets and neighbours, please go ahead, light your candle and hide it under the bushel.
3. There’s no need for impact: You’ve got a life transforming message that has changed the life of a few people who have met you. What’s the point transforming the lives of others? Does that sound right? That’s exactly what you do when you refuse to publish your message in a book.
I don’t like any of these reasons one bit. In fact writing them makes me sad right now. I’m naturally always positive and so I don’t like to see negative words or thoughts. But I’m excited again because I’ve personally removed the biggest obstacle on the way of potential authors by providing Nigeria’s first print on demand publishing package that makes it easy for you to produce at least 50 books and ordering more as sales picks up.

Look, I’ve been in print since 2006 and I can tell you that this is a major breakthrough for creative writers in Nigeria. Since we launched this special package last August we have worked with more than 50 authors in all geopolitical regions of Nigeria with seamless delivery.

The major obstacle has been removed, let’s partner with you to create a movement that can launch you as a global brand!
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