Book publishing always comes at a cost. However, a lot of potential authors are worried about costs without knowing the cost elements. At Print Doctor Africa, we believe in the dreams of African creatives and we believe cost should never stop dreams.
This informed why we started the first Print on Demand Book Publishing Service in Sub Saharan Africa.
Like the saying, “Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance”, I want to show you how to plan your finances for the publishing of your book by showing you the cost elements of publishing a book.
The following are the factors you must consider while preparing a budget for your book publishing.
Writing Your Book: Some people use the services of Ghost Writers when they are unable to find time to write by themselves. Some people
Editing: According to Dolly P’s editing course, Editing “means to prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.”
A professional who handles this aspect of the business gets paid for the service. Some charge per word and some per page. Confirm your editor’s terms and conditions.
Cover Design: There is a saying that, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. However, in reality, it has been proven that buyers make purchase decision primarily on book title and cover design before other factors. Professional graphic designers help to create this. You may be charged a premium for this but in selecting a designer, you may want to ask for their samples.
Print Layout: Books are not printed using the raw manuscript. It is prepared by a professional designer who knows how to prepare the manuscript to the right specifications. You need to agree with the designer on size while the designer makes other specifications like margins, which make them print-ready.
ISBN: ISBN stands for “International Standard Book Number” and before it was implemented in 1967, the method and system for cataloging, ordering, organizing, and locating a specific book was a chaotic mess..
Today, to get your book into a bookstore, a library, or almost any book distribution channel on the planet, you need an ISBN number. Ask your publisher for one.
Number of pages: After print layout is made, the number of pages is finalised and determined. This is a major determinant of cost of production. All cost factors before this are one-off expenses and constant while others are variables and will continuous for as long as you want to keep producing.
Quantity: The quantity you decide to produce determines the cost of production.
Paper Type: Different materials are used for printing books, you will need to understand the cost implications.

We have a free e-book titled, “Publish Your Book Without Stress”. Download yours here.
PLEASE NOTE THAT IF ALL YOU WANT TO PUBLISH IS AN E-BOOK, we have the best package from to help you for this. Check them out here.
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