Adek Bassey Ozaveshe is a public health professional with over 12 years of experience in youth programming. She is a social development program specialist and certified project manager in Global Health from the University of Washington.
She is also the Founder and Executive Director of Today for Tomorrow Initiative (TFTI), a youth-led Non-Governmental Organization with its head office in Adamawa State, Nigeria, and team members across nine other states in the country. TFTI has a vision of an inclusive society where everyone attains their full potential, and a mission to empower people for improved lives through training, mentoring and empowerment.
She is recognized amongst the top 100 women in Africa doing amazing work in the development space by Donors Africa. Adek strongly believes in the power of young people and women.

Research has shown that many women and girls have low self-esteem and limited skills. 7 in 10 girls believe that they are not good enough. Many women do not pursue their dreams or become great because they have been trained to focus on raising a family at the expense of living a fulfilling life as God first intended. Society keeps painting a derogatory perception that the girl child and women are not as important as the men and boys.
In a world where many women are constantly struggling with their identity and discrimination amongst their counterparts, the author has provided a blueprint on how to get the best as a woman and from women.
Carefully written for women and the men who love them, The Womanful is a timely book based on the strong need for girls to grow into valuable and respected women in the society. This book serves as a transformative tool for enlightening millions of women around the world about their power, value and worth.
The journey of self-realization, improved awareness and personal development for every woman starts here.

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